I haven't been doing a ton of crafting lately as my life has been consumed in readying our home and family for a new little person soon to join us. Luke is currently working on going on the potty and making the transition to a big boy bed. Sean has a new room complete with a new bed, dresser and nightstand. He loves it.
I have all the boys' clothes organized and the clothes that no longer fit have been put into bins for storage. That always seems like such a big job, at least for me. We had the rugs cleaned and our laundry room floor tiled. The other monumental task I am working on is getting my photos updated. I am still about a year and a half behind in editing my photos and having them developed. Even though, I scrapbook, I like to put my photos in traditional albums. I am determined to get this done and I vow to keep up with it each month from here on out. I am also trying to get lots of holiday stuff done this month so that I can try to take it a little easy in December; believe me, I know how crazy that sounds. It will never happen, but I can at least give it a shot, right? My due date is January 9th...less than 2 months away and there is still so much that needs to get done!!!!!
As for crafting, I made this bib for Marta's sweet baby boy.
I also made her some burp cloths, but apparently didn't take any photos of them, though I am certain I did. Oh well. I did manage to decorate this little moleskin journal for her to keep in her purse.
This was the 'baby boy' card I made for Marta. I have seen different versions of it on the web both in fabric and paper form. I made my banner from fabric and this seems to be new favorite card of choice.
I made this one for a boy's birthday party that Sean was invited to. I Iove how it can be adapted to a boy or girl just by fabric choice.
Here are two other cards I made in a hurry for other birthday parties that Sean attended. They are a mini card that use the Maya Road chipboard numbers. So easy.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE YOUR POST! I can't believe your baby is only 2 months away! Boy it went by fast for ME!
I love all the cards! and they are just too perfect...i love the triangle banner too and how it can be adapted
to either genders...thanks for sharing and i was on your site like 4 times today, just feeling a new post coming!
Posted by: patricia truel | November 11, 2008 at 01:02 PM
Oh yeah, and the sew lines on that bib are just so perfect...how in the world do you do that!?
Posted by: patricia truel | November 11, 2008 at 01:04 PM
I do love when you get creative :)
Good luck with getting life under control and organized before baby comes! I can't wait for your baby to be here :)
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sean's comforter and his bed! So awesome! Where did you get the comforter?
Posted by: Maureen | November 11, 2008 at 01:50 PM
it's true i am the luckiest girl in the whole wide world. i must say a thousand thank you's. melissa, you are the best. seriously your attention to detail is astounding. i am truly in awe. thanks again for thinking of me. you create magic with your choice of materials. keep it up..
can't wait to see your upcoming bundle of love. rest and relax and enjoy some down time. best wishes.
Posted by: marta | November 11, 2008 at 04:17 PM
those baby things... they're just perfect. little man looks really comfy on the bed!! any pbelly picture to share? :D
Posted by: Sasha Farina | November 11, 2008 at 06:32 PM
I love it when you create and share, too. You inspire me so much! Sean looks like he's loving his new bed and room and that's wonderful Luke is making those transitions, too! Caylin just finished up potty training and I'm SO glad that's over with! :) I can't believe you're due in 2 months! That's so wonderful! I'm so excited for you and your family, Melissa!! LOVE the cards that sweet bib and that beautiful journal! Have a blessed day, my friend! :)
Posted by: kristina | November 12, 2008 at 05:03 AM
My oh my! You have been very busy!!! Way to use that nesting energy!
Posted by: piper | November 12, 2008 at 07:17 AM
Beautiful things you made... That journal especially. LOVE IT!
Posted by: Jenny | November 12, 2008 at 05:34 PM
fun stuff! it's always a treat to see what you are creating! i hope you are feeling well. good luck with the photo project!
Posted by: Heather M. | November 12, 2008 at 09:11 PM
always enjoy it when you share your stuff :) so excited for your new little bundle of joy! when is your due date again?
Posted by: jamie | November 13, 2008 at 11:58 AM
I can't believe you are due so soon!!!!! I don't think you ever did email to let me know if you know what you are having....inquiring minds want to know! :)
Posted by: Jessi | November 16, 2008 at 11:36 AM
I love all these great cards!!!
Posted by: Tina | November 20, 2008 at 05:23 PM