If anyone is still reading this blog, thank you. Truly, thank you. The last month I feel as though I have been lost in a giant sea of uncertainty. I am still without a computer...still not able to download photos, print, scan, use Photoshop, call upon my email addresses that are stored in my computer's memory, etc. It stinks!!!!! For various reasons, I have been in limbo about what computer to get. And just recently, I thought that perhaps since my computer crashed, this is the time I should make the switch to a Mac. This is where I need your help. I have always been a PC girl...my last computer being a Dell, but I know that nearly every professional photographer uses a Mac and swears by them. I want to make the transition to a Mac, but I am concerned about the learning curve in making the change. My question to you is, have you made the switch from a PC to a Mac and if so was it extremely difficult? I would appreciate your thoughts, words of wisdom, etc. I am dying here and need to get my computer life back up and running.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!
Go MAC! I have had my MAC for six years and it has NEVER crashed. Yes, the SAME MAC. I do some design work professionally (when I can squeeze it in with three kids under five). I am currently using CS3. Learning curve was not difficult. In my opinion MACs are much more user friendly. It's time to take the plunge!
Posted by: Camilla Blue | March 09, 2010 at 07:14 AM
I went from being a PC user all my life to switching to a MacBook in college. Best decision EVER.
You just turn on your new Mac an it walks you through the process. It takes about 5 minutes. Love it. Would never, ever go back. The next time I upgrade, I'll get a MacBook pro. I don't think I'll ever get a desktop, but that's because I love the flexibility of bring my laptop with me. You'll love it. And next you'll want an iPhone... :)
Posted by: elise | March 09, 2010 at 07:24 AM
I swithched from a PC to a Mac a year ago. When I opened the box my husband said we'll figure it out tomorrow. When he was down in his office and I decided to just unpack it. Five minutes later I had it running. Needless to say he was shocked because I am not that computer literate. I love it and will NEVER go back.
Posted by: carriegel | March 09, 2010 at 07:36 AM
Last year I was in the market for a new computer and had this same dilemma. My son has gone Mac and loves it and the little bit of time I have spent on his - I love it too. But I have lots of PC-based software that would have been very expensive to replace, so I went with a PC. I was extremely aggravated to find that a good bit of it needed to be replace anyway because I was moving from a XP operating system to Vista! I now wish I had gone ahead and made the switch. Live and learn...
Posted by: Jan | March 09, 2010 at 09:31 AM
I agree with the rest of the comments. Gooooo Mac! You won't regret it. Even though it is a little more pricier than a PC, it will be totally worth it and it will last longer. If you are on a budget and still have a monitor and keyboard, you can purchase a mac mini. One of the biggest pluses about a Mac that I love is you don't have to worry to much about viruses. I have been a mac user for 4 years. I have two macs at home and one a work. I will never go back! btw.. I love the photos that you take and can't wait till you post more with your new mac. :-)
Posted by: Jenine | March 09, 2010 at 10:48 AM
don't even think about it...just do it. the exceptional support, the classes you can take to learn, the "user-friendliness", NO MORE VIRUS'!!!! ...i could go on and on. i've been a pc user all my life, when i made the change 3 years ago, it was the BEST decision ever. never turned back, and NEVER WILL. you're an artist, a crafter, a photographer, and a MOMMY..you just need to! let us know what you decided...best wishes!!!!! :) p.s. i LOVE your blog..thanks for sharing!!!! aloha!
Posted by: darcie | March 09, 2010 at 10:51 AM
Once you go Mac, you'll never go back. Guaranteed! I upgraded to a MacBook Pro when my last laptop PC crashed. The switch was easy. I've been tickled pink every since. I would recommend going with an aluminum style. A friend's Mac in white needed the key plate cover replaced because it absorbed the oils from her palms. Otherwise, no complaints on my end.
Posted by: KK | March 09, 2010 at 11:12 AM
I went Mac about 4 years ago and it was such a good decision. I love my Mac, love it. I will never go back to PC. My hubby recently converted too, after being a die-hard PC fan. ;) I say, DO IT!!
Posted by: Heather M. | March 09, 2010 at 11:59 AM
What a coincidence that you mentioned this issue, because I had the exact same dilemma about 8 months ago. We bought an iMac in August to replace our dying PC. We made the switch for the same reasons you're considering, as well as the fact that we switched our mobile phones to iPhones at that time and I wanted the software on each to synchronize.
The switch has not been without some bumps in the road (with even - believe it or not - some initial problems with the iMac that needed to be fixed by the Genius Bar a couple times). I am getting the hang of the iMac more and more, but it is not quite as intuitive as I thought it would be. Overall, I'm happy with the switch and I can fill you in on more details if you're interested. Just email me.
Good luck - I know how a decision like this can be distracting until you figure out what to do.
Posted by: Susie | March 09, 2010 at 06:00 PM
I am a computer idiot, and switched to a Mac at Christmas. I have 2 boys (12 & 14) and our PC was constantly crashing or getting viruses. I LOVE our Mac, and will never own another PC. I have gone into the Apple store and they have shown me how to do tons of stuff on the computers in the store. You will love a Mac, promise!!
Posted by: Rita | March 09, 2010 at 10:02 PM
Melissa, don't even think twice. Back in 2006 we moved to Australia and I needed a new PC. My husband had me nearly convinced to buy a new (whatever brand) PC, but instead I put my foot down and demanded a Mac. Now, 4 years on we own 5 iMac and MacBook Pro and 4 iPhones. It's the best thing and so much easier than a PC. Go for it! Let us know your decision, but it seems you've got a 100% Pro Mac choice so far.
Posted by: Lisette Gibbons | March 10, 2010 at 02:10 AM
I've owned Macs personally since 1996, but I got my video-editor husband to switch in October. It's done wonders for our marriage ;)
Like Jan said above, no matter what computer you buy, you'll be spending a lot of money upgrading software, so make sure you factor that into your budget. And a good external hard drive for backup. Time Machine's automatic backup is worth the price of a new Mac. Adobe does let you cross grade through a mail-in program. DH moved from CS1 Windows to CS3 Mac.
I would make a list of the 10 most critical things you need a new computer to do, and get to Galleria's Apple Store and do those things, and ask a "genius" to help you figure them out. Most of the demo Macs have Photoshop, etc on them. Research if any favorite PS plugins are available for Mac (most are). I believe actions are cross-platform. For a photography biz, I would definitely take a look at the MacBook Pro lineup. I'm happy with my new 13," but I'm just a hobbyist DSLR Mama.
It probably won't take very long to play at the Apple Store - if you have to bring the kids, they have two iMacs set up with kid games that could keep Luke occupied (My 3.5 year old could spend days playing the Seuss and Dora/Diego games) and you could put Sean to work helping you figure out the Mac - kids are computer whizzes these days!
Depending on how old your Windows monitor is, you can get an adapter and hook the laptop up at home for external viewing but still have the laptop for previewing at shoots. Or if you've got the budget, a 30" Cinema Display is fabulous - DH has the 23" and it really is spectacular. I just got the 24" LED, and its great at night but the glossy screen is a bit of a pain in sunshine (like right now). However, thanks to Buffalo weather and my work hours, sunshine is rarely an issue :P
If you are afraid of taking the leap, you could buy a used one off Craigslist, try it out for a few weeks or months, and then hand it down to the kids. Mac users are crazy about getting the latest and greatest, so there is always someone in Buffalo selling a 6 mo - 1 year old Mac.
Here is Apple's Switching page:
Apple's video links on switching and their software - lots of good stuff here:
Go ahead and feel free to email me if you have any questions. I've probably helped about 12 people switch to Mac or upgrade to newer Macs.
Posted by: Bree | March 10, 2010 at 05:04 AM
I know nothing but wanted to say hi and I still come :)
Hugs Melissa!!!
Posted by: Maureen | March 10, 2010 at 11:39 AM
thanks for asking this.. i'm looking forward to what you decide! :) I'm a PC girl.. but will be moving soon to MAC i hope :D
Posted by: Sasha Farina | March 10, 2010 at 09:12 PM
Who is the person you will turn to when you need help with your new computer? Get whatever they use. And go Mac if you can afford to pay more to be able to do the same stuff you can do with a PC. ;-) My friend who switched from PC to Mac STILL has to call her Mac Genius guy every couple of weeks but maybe she's just not very smart, lol. And my Dell Inspiron? Kicks her Mac's behind as far as how fast it is, how much ram/hard drive storage, etc., so just remember it all depends on getting the RIGHT PC (or Mac) for the job. I had my laptop custom-built for multi-media. Oh, and I've never had a virus. Just a few thoughts from the PC side.
Posted by: Deborah | March 12, 2010 at 12:25 PM
oh melissa... you are a mac.
really. you are :)
i switched... i have an imac and macbook pro...
love them.
you will too!
and the guys at the apple store are great... use the pro stuff though,
you get some better benefits!! seminars, help etc!!
just do it!
Posted by: joanne smith | March 12, 2010 at 05:07 PM
The learning curve was much less than I expected - have fun!
Posted by: Krista | March 15, 2010 at 11:14 AM
i don't know the first thing about a mac. i just bought (in december)a cordless wireles touchscreen dell studio one 19. i Love it. i haven't had any problems with mine. i agree with the comment above...whatever your computer guy uses, get the same. alhto, i don't have a computer guy...because i have never needed one! i got this one on clearance at costco for $550. AND of on the biggest perks is it already have the full version (not trial) of microsoft office and roxio (my video editing software)...
Posted by: patricia truel | March 15, 2010 at 01:51 PM
I never believed my husband who is a Mac addict. Then he convinced me to go Mac, and I did. I cannot even begin to tell you the difference in the ease of understanding compared to a PC. We use Aperture 3 for our photos and it is wonderful. The new version has so many features to enhance and correct photos, that for non-essential photos, I use it instead of exporting to PSE8. I have a Canon 40D and have no trouble with uploading whether I shoot in JPEG or RAW. I am not technical and do have a computer savvy Hi-Tech Red Neck husband as my official live-in IT guy. If you have an iPhone, it's the difference in an iPhone and trying to learn how to use all the features of a normal cell phone. Mac's are wonderful and I highly recommend all products. You'll be really glad you did and wonder why you resisted "the force" for so long. Ha, ha.
Posted by: Monika Wright | March 15, 2010 at 02:28 PM
I agree with all of these comments as well. Go Mac! I have not done that yet and still am on my PC, but plan to make the switch in June! The person that convinced me that I needed to switch was my 72 year old dad. He recently got a MacBook and loves it! I thought this man would never love anything else but a PC (set in his ways) but he has changed and really loves it. The "Genius Bar" has been a help to him also and the learning curve he said, "was really not that bad" and that is good coming from him, cause he does not like things to be complicated. He says "he's too old for all that and he likes things simple and easy."So, I say go for a Mac. I have been so frustrated with my laptop lately and so just want to throw it out the window at times. I think you will be happy with a Mac. If my dad is at his age, I think it's safe to say that you will too! Good Luck! Love your blog and your pics!
Posted by: Kim | March 16, 2010 at 01:39 PM
Melissa, I made the switch 2 years ago and I've NEVER regretted it! Not once. I've never had to take it in for service (knock on wood!) and the transition was a dream! My husband (who works for Microsoft) brought home a few MacBook Pros (which is what I have) for research. He had to admit how amazing they are. He's even impressed at how well Windows 7 runs on the Mac - yup, if you want you can still run Windows 7 AND use all of the Microsoft Office products. They make both for Macs now :)
Posted by: elizabeth rosemond | March 17, 2010 at 12:16 AM
Go Mac GO!! Go Mac GO!! I made the switch 3 years ago. I have never looked back!
Posted by: Heather | March 23, 2010 at 09:26 AM
I use a MAC at school (I'm a teacher) and PC at home. I like the features of both. I'm an older chic and I learned pretty fast. I think you'll like the MAC's features for all of your photo tricks. You can do all the PC stuff on a MAC but I have found that you can't do all the MAC stuff on a PC.
Posted by: Stacy Thackeray | March 23, 2010 at 05:13 PM
Posted by: オテモヤン | March 27, 2010 at 05:49 PM