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July 27, 2010


patricia truel

excellent job on the dolll...i think i would love that book..

i got a book for my birthday that you would love to...101 gourmet cupcakes...simple recipes, but produce delish cupcakes!

Kristina Proffitt

Lily is SO cute! I think I'd love that book! I would be a total beginner when it comes to doll making - do you think I could handle it? ;) I know Caylin would love a doll like that! Thanks for sharing, my friend! I hope you and your family are doing well! Hugs!


Wow Melissa! Lily is so adorable! I once tried to make a sock monkey for a friend of mine and he didn't turn out so well. I don't know if I don't follow directions right or if I'm just not that crafty. So, I'm pretty proud of you!

Heather M.

She is gorgeous. I love her! When are you opening your etsy shop?! :)

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