We are so happy with the new addition to our family. Maisy is just wonderful and brings us so much joy and happiness. The boys love playing with her and taking care of her. I am amazed at how easy the transition has been for all of them...especially Jackson. You would think he had a dog his whole life; he is not phased in the least by her presence, or her incessant desire to 'steal' his toys when he is playing with them. Luke is truly the best. He is always willing to take her out to go 'potty' and if she has an accident in the house, he is on it. It is also fabulous that Maisy is a terrific dog; of course, she bites and nips as all puppies do, but she has a great disposition. She loves her crate and is making great progress with learning to go potty outside. Here are some photos of our sweet puppy.

Here is her cute tail.

We adore our sweet Maisy Daisy!